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Internet of Things Operating System Development Under "Light" Smart Age

Leo Zou- Watch Now - Duration: 23:40

Internet of Things Operating System Development Under "Light" Smart Age
Leo Zou

IoT technology is affecting our lives at a rapid pace, and becoming such an integral part of daily life. RTOS powered "Light" Smart tech is considered to be more applicable to fit the requirements of IoT development.

In this session, we'll explore the "Light" Smart tech and how RT-Thread works to fit this trend. Major topics that we will discuss include:

  • The concept of the "Light" Smart tech and how it applies to daily life.
  • The requirements to an RTOS for AIoT devices. How OpenSource RT-Thread IoT OS works to fit this trend.
  • The architecture of the RT-Thread IoT OS Project and the project features and pros.
  • Building an open-source ecosystem for developers.
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Score: 0 | 2 years ago | no reply

What type of license is required to incorporate RT-Thread in a commercial product?

Score: 0 | 2 years ago | no reply

Great overview