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How to Measure RTOS Performance
Colin Walls- Watch Now - Duration: 27:43
Yes. Using a wrapper [translation layer] is considered by many as good practice, as it avoids tying in to a single vendor.
That makes sense. I was part of a very small team for the few projects I was involved in that specified the use of an RTOS, so the choice of which one to use was made at the start of the first project, in order to minimize learning time and costs.
Hello. It was a very interesting talk. Are there any software tools that can automate the process of evaluating the performance of RTOS?
Although some vendors provide tools to work with their specific RTOS products, I do not know of anything generic that is focused on this issue. It would certainly be a good research opportunity for someone to define a standard way to assess an RTOS.
Thank you!
Isn't the idea of evaluating various RTOSes later in the development cycle going to be affected by the fact that the OS calls likely won't be identical, so you'll need an additional translation layer in order to avoid rewriting your application for each RTOS?